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Izbrana tema: članek 6 nasvetov, če 'fašete' batine

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bc123a sporočil: 48.253
[Glavni forum] Tema: 6 nasvetov, če vas fizično napadejo
[#2243339] 11.10.13 19:15 · odgovor na: pomurski (#2243333)
Odgovori   +    3
Nolagirl73 days ago
This story is so poorly written and full of inaccuracies that it seems to be causing confusion. First, the homeowner was charged with second degree ATTEMPTED murder, not second degree murder. Coulter, who was awaiting trial on other burglary charges, was not in the homeowner's front yard (There is no front yard. The front of the house sits on the sidewalk.), but in his driveway which is separated from the street by a six foot tall iron fence. Coulter jumped this fence and was clearly on private property.

Torej, mulc, star 14 let, ki je imel za sabo ze nekaj kazenskih ovadb in za zadnjo cakal na obravnavo na sodiscu, sredi noci prepleza 1.8 metra visoko ograjo in se znajde z oci v oci z lastnikom hise, ki mu odmeri metek v celo.

Kaj v tej zgodbi se ti zdi problematicnega?