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anon-117477 sporočil: 1.475
The laws on grain were to have a more enduring effect on the history of Rome. From at least the time of the fourth century B.C., the Roman government bought supplies of corn or wheat in times of shortage and re-sold them to the people at a low fixed price. Under the tribune Caius Gracchus the Lex Sempronia Frumentaria was adopted which allowed every Roman citizen the right to buy a certain amount of wheat at an official price much lower than the market price. In 58 B.C. this law was “improved” to allow every citizen free wheat. The result, of course, came as a surprise to the government. Most of the farmers remaining in the countryside simply left to live in Rome without working.
Robert L. Scheuttinger, "Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls: How Not to Fight Inflation"

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2156963

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Endimion sporočil: 10.318
Po drugi strani pa je inflacija na dopustu in ni nic ne kaze da je na poti nazaj.... (hvala Črt)

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