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anon-76818 sporočil: 4.031
V tistem članku na FT je še en zanimiv link:

Slovenia Bailout Escape Plagued by Communist-Style Lenders

And I quote:
"In an echo of Yugoslavia’s hybrid planned economy, Slovenian governments over the past two decades used the banks to finance state projects and companies, with less focus on risk and return."
In še:
“Slovenia’s banking crisis has been brewing for years...It has privatized less than any other former communist EU member, and this is especially true of the banks.”
In še:
With the highest per-capita economic output among the ex-communist countries, there was little incentive to open the economy to foreign investors and risk causing job losses and social upheaval.
Ali pa tole:
Nova Ljubljanska Banka, headquartered in a communist-era concrete tower in the center of the Slovenian capital, was partially sold off, only to end in failure.
In še:
The main reason Slovenia didn’t sell its banks is surely because they were servicing the interests of the country’s political and financial elites,” the former finance minister (Šušteršič) said in an e-mailed response to Bloomberg questions. “Foreign- owned banks behaved much more rationally.”

Zdaj, če sem jaz sploh kaj zastopil iz vse te solate, potem mi je jasno le to, da je neoliberalni agent in špijon mračnih sil , Janez Šušteršič, v imperialističnem sredstvu javnega obveščanja nesramno blatil našo socialistično ljudsko domovino pred tujimi investitorji (ki jih mi avantgardni marksisti sicer vzvišeno preziramo, ampak kurc, njihov dnar nam pa vseeno ne smrdi).