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anon-315362 sporočil: 1
čas vnosa: 21.03.13 11:30
Tako je ker nam vladajo Srbi in nasi izajalci in kradejo in izcrpavajo Slovenijo. Pa poglejte kako je drugje v Veliki Britaniji v gnilem kapitalizmu:

Get help with dental costs

Dental charges depend on the treatment you need to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy. You will only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course of treatment, even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it. If you are referred to another dentist for another, separate course of treatment, you can expect a second charge. Some minor treatments are free.

NHS dental charges from 1 April 2012
Band 1 course of treatment – £17.50 (£18.00 from April 1 2013)
This covers an examination, diagnosis (eg X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed, and application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealant. If you require urgent care, even if your urgent treatment needs more than one appointment to complete, you will only need to pay one Band 1 charge.

Band 2 course of treatment – £48.00 (£49.00 from April 1 2013)
This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or if your dentist needs to take out one or more of your teeth.

Band 3 course of treatment – £209.00 (£214.00 from April 1 2013)
This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures and bridges.

Detailed information about each treatment band can be found in the NHS dental treatments section.

Who is entitled to free dental care? hideYou do not have to pay for NHS dental treatment if, when the treatment starts, you are:

•aged under 18
•under 19 and receiving full-time education
•pregnant or have had a baby in the previous 12 months
•staying in an NHS hospital and your treatment is carried out by the hospital dentist
•an NHS hospital dental service outpatient (however, you may have to pay for your dentures or bridges).
You also do not have to pay if, when the treatment starts, you are receiving:

•Income Support
•Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
•Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
•Pension Credit guarantee credit