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anon-17131 sporočil: 558
Mogoče je treba naslov razširiti na: "Kaj ostane, ko se na celem planetu banke zaprejo in biznis ustavi"

Glede na to, da se po besedah gospoda Arharja Slovenija ne more primerjati s Ciprom, a ga lahko novinarji povprašate, če se lahko primerjamo z Novo Zelandijo, kjer predlagajo Open Bank Resolution:

What is an OBR?

The Open Bank Resolution policy is a tool for responding to a bank failure. It allows the bank to be open for full-scale or limited business on the next business day after being placed under statutory management (as a result of, for example, an insolvency event). This means that customers will be able to gain full or partial access to their accounts and other bank services, whilst an appropriate long-term solution to the bank’s failure is identified.

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