Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Spričevalo Koren Gombočeve ponarejeno

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anon-100828 sporočil: 322
Me zanima, koga bodo v tem primeru v SDS oznacili kot krivca. Da vidimo novi kreativni spin.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 1967296

Strani: 1

anon-297499 sporočil: 59
[Glavni forum] Tema: Spričevalo Koren Gombočeve ponarejeno
[#1967323] 17.01.13 21:13 · odgovor na: anon-100828 (#1967296)
Odgovori   +    7
Me zanima, koga bodo v tem primeru v SDS oznacili kot krivca. Da vidimo novi kreativni spin.
Sigurno je kdo iz SKB-ja ekstremni levičar ali pa neopopulistični socialist. Ne glede na to, če si kriv, si kriv, ne delaj se naiven da ti s tem nimaš nič,.
anon-166232 sporočil: 3.600
[Glavni forum] Tema: Spričevalo Koren Gombočeve ponarejeno
[#1967433] 17.01.13 22:34 · odgovor na: anon-100828 (#1967296)
Odgovori   +    7
Me zanima, koga bodo v tem primeru v SDS oznacili kot krivca. Da vidimo novi kreativni spin.
Communists and their political successors, activated members of the former secret political police, communist veterans, network of leftist organizations and some trade unions, KPK and the last President of the Communist Party of Slovenia and later on the first president of the Republic of Slovenia, Milan Kučan, who despite his retirement still figures as the most influential political persona of the hard core Slovenian Left, has in his public appearances as well as via the background networks, have tried to disable the incumbent Prime Minister and President of the SDS from 1983 onwards and they are actively engaged in efforts to replace the government.

The so-called "old-boys network" controls the main media environment in Slovenia. Ever since the beginning of this Government's mandate they have been at the same time accusing the Prime Minister Janez Janša of the "neo-conservative" revolution and of the "neo-liberal dismantling of the welfare state" due to the reduction of the budget deficit and the urgent austerity measures.

The Governmental coalition is composed of five political parties; three of them are members of the EPP while the other two parties belong to the left of political spectrum. Pressure to leave the coalition has focused primarily on them.

Last effort of all this listed above is now seen in a new affair with acussations of our party member miss Koren Gomboč for counterfeiting certificates, course in order to disable the incumbent Prime Minister and President of the SDS Janez Janša.

With those pressures will be informed President European Council Herman Van Rompuy.

SDS Communication office

Strani: 1