Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Obama dvignil ameriške borze

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anon-226010 sporočil: 3.863
Bob Chapman: "In reference to real money the silver trap JPMorgan Chase and HSBC have been trapped in is in all probably coming to a close. We see default somewhere between $48.00 and $60.00. The losses could be as high as $150 billion. No one knows how settlement will be carried out. There could be total default, partial default or the government could step in and supply the capital for a bailout."

Tale dobiček je fatamorganski.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 1174205

Strani: 1

jezst sporočil: 4.758
Bob Chapman: "In reference to real money the silver trap JPMorgan Chase and HSBC have been trapped in is in all probably coming to a close. We see default somewhere between $48.00 and $60.00. The losses could be as high as $150 billion. No one knows how settlement will be carried out. There could be total default, partial default or the government could step in and supply the capital for a bailout."

Tale dobiček je fatamorganski.
JP Morgan je za financiranje shortov zastavil svoje delnice, ki so vredne cca. 47 USD. Pri tej ceni srebra se bo začelo shortanje delnic JPM...

Strani: 1