Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Juane je končno mogoče kupiti izven Kitajske

Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-226010 sporočil: 3.863
OK. Je novica, po svoje zanimiva...
Ampak tole...tole je pa hudo (razmislite):
"Jeff Toshima, Tokyo director of the World Gold Council, in today's Nikkei Money, "I was amazed to discover the number of gold saving accounts at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has grown above 1,000,000 within a year of ICBC launching the service.

"Here in Japan, it has taken over 10 years for the gold-savings account industry as a whole to reach 700,000 accounts. It is impressive that only one Chinese bank can exceed that level so easily, within one year, without PR or active marketing in-branch."

vir: news.goldseek.com/Bu...841260.php

balon? :)