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Izbrana tema: članek Afera WikiLeaks: ZDA izsiljevale Slovenijo?

Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-220749 sporočil: 2.549
Ja to je pa čisto hudo, o Boratovem prijatelju piše tudi marsikaj.

Hehe, tole me je pa takoj spomnilo na EIPF centralno plansko pojmovanje ekonomije in Boratove ekonomske nauke:

2. (C) Robert Mugabe has survived for so long because he is more clever and more ruthless than any other politician in
Zimbabwe. To give the devil his due, he is a brilliant
tactitian and has long thrived on his ability to abruptly
change the rules of the game, radicalize the political
dynamic and force everyone else to react to his agenda.
However, he is fundamentally hampered by several factors:
his ego and belief in his own infallibility; his obsessive
focus on the past as a justification for everything in the
present and future; his deep ignorance on economic issues
(coupled with the belief that his 18 doctorates give him
the authority to suspend the laws of economics, including
supply and demand); and his essentially short-term,
tactical style.