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A niso nekaj takega še ne tako davno govorili za Segway, čudo tehnike in sprehajalo prihodnosti?
Hja, a propos Segway...
Before it launched, the Segway was said to revolutionize the way cities are laid out and how people get around them. Venture capitalist John Doerr predicted it would reach $1 billion in sales faster than any company in history, and that it could be bigger than the Internet. Kamen expected to be selling 10,000 units a week by the end of 2002—that's half a million a year. In the next six years, Segway sold just 30,000 units, according to Forbes.
It's hard enough to get cities to embrace the bicycle, something that's been around for a century and a half, and to design their streets around it. And, though many bikers look ridiculous in their skin-tight racing outfits, at least they're getting a workout. The Segway was perhaps the laziest mode of transportation around. "People just didn't know what to make of it," says Shankman. "Every time I used it, I just wound up feeling fat. I got called lazy more times than I could count." Not a good recipe for success. Like the troubled Google Glass, another supposedly "revolutionary" product, the Segway invited mockery, not awe.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2792021

Strani: 1

FIN-454644 sporočil: 10.900
Oslarija Indija ima rikse: pokrite dvosede in stirisede, ki jih poganja biciklist ali mopedist. Vse okoljevarstvenike zaposliti kot bicikliste riks. Boekobio, pa ponucali bodo odvecno energijo, da nas ne bodo gnjavili. Presvicanim ne bo treba v savno. Samo pod tus, pa spat.

Strani: 1