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Izbrana tema: Indijskim vladnim uslužbencem za četrtino višje plače

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- sedanja indijska vlada je desna

- zadnje zvisanje je bilo 2008 za dvakrat toliko

- o sedanjem so se zaceli pogovarjati ze jeseni 2015 in takrat takole obujali spomine na prejsnjo rundo:

The first civil service pay-rise in a decade can be a windfall for India’s $1.4 trillion stock market that’s headed for its first annual loss in four years

The panel’s proposals “will put a lot of money in the hands of consumers in one shot,” Vikas Gupta, an executive vice president at Mumbai-based Arthveda Fund Management, said by phone. “2016 will be a year of consumption. There’s no question about it.” He favours two-wheeler makers and auto-parts companies.

Incremental spending by as many as 34 million workers and pensioners is likely to be the highest on housing, processed foods and entertainment, Credit Suisse said in a 30 November report. Ultratech Cement Ltd, Hindustan Unilever Ltd and appliances maker Havells India Ltd are among companies that will benefit, the brokerage said.

The optimism is not without basis, if history is any guide.

India last increased salaries in October 2008 for a raise of as much as 40%, a month after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. collapsed. The payout fueled a 306% surge in an index of auto makers in the two years through December 2010, while a gauge of consumer appliances tripled. The Sensex doubled.
