
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-15342 sporočil: 8.014
> Kakorkoli že naj bi se te verjetnosti računale, se vse bolj zdi, da je kratkoročna verjetnost Grexita zelo podobna verjetnosti, da bo Evropska centralna banka (ECB) nehala tedensko povečevati izredno likvidnostno pomoč (ELA) grškim bankam.

In danes nova injekcija 1.4 mrd EUR:

> The ECB, which has kept Greek banks on a tight leash while talks with lenders continue, raised the cap on emergency liquidity assistance available for Greek banks by 1.4 billion euros to 76.9 billion euros, a banking source told Reuters on Wednesday.
In še dodatni dve milijardi EUR:
The ELA cap was increased by 2 billion euros to 78.9 billion euros at the meeting on Wednesday in Frankfurt, people familiar with the matter said. An ECB spokesman declined to comment.
Še par mesecev tako, pa bo ELA v štirih grških sistemskih bankah že večja od njihove bilančne vsote.


In ko bom rekel, da zdaj pa res več čisto nič ne razumem, bodo z ECB povedali, da je to nekaj čisto normalnega. Dva tedna pozneje bodo pa sporočili, da so grške banke nenadoma postale insolventne, ampak da tega pa res niti teoretično nihče ni mogel predvideti.


Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2518816

Strani: 1

anon-15342 sporočil: 8.014
> [TadejK]
> In danes nova injekcija 1.4 mrd EUR:
> The ECB, which has kept Greek banks on a tight leash while talks with lenders continue, raised the cap on emergency liquidity assistance available for Greek banks by 1.4 billion euros to 76.9 billion euros, a banking source told Reuters on Wednesday.

In še dodatni 2.0 mrd EUR:
The ELA cap was increased by 2 billion euros to 78.9 billion euros at the meeting on Wednesday in Frankfurt, people familiar with the matter said. An ECB spokesman declined to comment.

Še par mesecev tako, pa bo ELA v štirih grških sistemskih bankah že večja od njihove bilančne vsote. :)
In še 1.1 mrd EUR:
But banking sources said the ECB did raise the ceiling on emergency liquidity assistance for the Greek lenders by 1.1 billion euros to 80 billion euros, to help them counter deposit withdrawals.

Strani: 1