
Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Škoti zavrnili neodvisnost

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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.053
Škoti so se znebili levakov !!!

Tole mi je včeraj poslal kolega iz Aberdeena (prvi stavek pove vse):

• The biggest problem is that the nationalist party is very left wing and is trying to get the traditional socialists in Scotland ( the Labour party ) to vote for separation by promising them the moon!

• This would be fine if the sums added up but they don't. The oil is slowing running out and although we have other big earners like whisky they are all owned by mutinationals.

• Salmond ( nationalist leader) wants to use the pound but the pound would be controlled by the bank of England NOT by him. The EC would probably take five years to let scotland in and we might have to use the euro which nobody wants and join schengen which nobody wants either. The English are terrified that a wave of migrants would descend on Scotland in order to cross the BORDER into England. We think the whole thing is based on dreams and has little basis in reality but we really think he may win as they have run a hugely loud and populist campaign. Its easy to say YES.

• Families are fighting neighbours are fighting and its all very stressful. He has let 16/17 year old vote and they are all idealistic and want YES - all the 1,000,000 poverty stricken working class Glaswegians want it but in Aberdeen with twice the average earnings of Glasgow NOBODY wants it.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2457379

Strani: 1

pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Glavni forum] Tema: Škoti zavrnili neodvisnost
[#2457476] 19.09.14 11:03 · odgovor na: 0126Bacis (#2457379)
Odgovori   +    1
• The biggest problem is that the nationalist party is very left wing and is trying to get the traditional socialists in Scotland ( the Labour party ) to vote for separation by promising them the moon!
He, he, pri nas se Moon piše z veliko začetnico, poleg tega pa Moon ni obljubljen, ampak obljublja. :-)
Jaz bi v politiki raje obljublja sonce, še posebno v bolj severnih krajih in po tako kislem poletju. Sonce tudi asociira na dan in "jutri bo nov dan" se za večino slehernikov sliši veliko bolj obetavno kot "jutri bo nova noč".

Strani: 1