
Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Cepiva: za 30 milijard evrov iluzij

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anon-19764 sporočil: 161
[Glavni forum] Tema: Cepiva: za 30 milijard evrov iluzij
[#1767302] 24.07.12 11:20 · odgovor na: bc123a (#1767245)
Odgovori   +    4

In other words, there is not one thing here that's new, that hasn't been debunked and thoroughly buried under evidence and data. Nothing here in content that distinguishes the originator from any number of antivax Websites and woo peddlers. She even gives the laundry list of woo-based caveats on her site, from the "aluminum in vaccines will rot your brain" oldie but goodie (it will not) to "you can eat your way to avoiding infectious disease!" (if only). But...despite this faithful reflection of what the antivax choir has adhered to for years, something here's just a little...odd.

Finance... "fair and balanced"... nekako tako kot Fox News... prikazati obe strani, ceprav so argumenti ene strani ze zdavnaj zavrnjeni in diskreditirani.
Pa kaj nam ti tukaj citiraš? Trače z interneta? Daj se malo poglobi, preberi, kaj ti ima ženska povedati in mimogrede boš opazil, da ni citirala niti enega trača, pač pa same resne raziskave s A ti niti ne prebereš zadeve, pa že veš, da ni ok, ker googlaš za trači?