Strani: 1

borj sporočil: 72
[#2776061] 23.05.19 11:26
Odgovori   +    11
Zadnja sprememba: borj 23.05.2019 11:27
Kje so izredni stres testi, kje je nemški regulator, kje je EK, kaj dela ECB?

Zakaj kljub direktivi BRRD, ki veja v EU od januarja 2016 imenovani ne ukrepajo, kot so v Sloveniji leta 2013 in to takrat brez veljavne EU zakonodaje in v nasprotju z našo domačo.

Je to tisto opevano pravo EU ? Naj bi z nedeljskimi EU volitvami podpirali še naprej naše EU eksekutorje, ki imajo palico pripravljeno samo za nas in nam podobne finančne kolonije, v Nemčiji pa se obnašajo kot cucki, gledajo stran in so veseli vsakega trepljaja po hrbtu s strani tistih, ki bi jih morali nadzirati in sankcionirati?

Ne, na takšno EU ne pristanem! Nikoli!
anon-329788 sporočil: 2.321
[#2776070] 23.05.19 12:39
Odgovori   +    1
Prvo sanacija s strani države, potem prisilna privatizacija, ni druge! Drugače pa trojka! Nemški naciji komaj čakajo glomazno krizo, da bi poskusili naskočit oblast. Kar želodec se mi obrača, ko vidim kaj je politična alternativa v evropi.
anon-292686 sporočil: 763
[#2776238] 24.05.19 12:02
Odgovori   +    0
Charles Nenner: Deutsche Bank Very Dangerous to Global Banking System (@ Greg Hunter,

The IMF called Deutsche Bank (DB) the “most systemically dangerous bank” in the world in 2016. It recently hit all-time lows and now sits around $7.50 per share. If DB does break $6.40, do we get a daisy chain of default around the world? Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says, “It is a very dangerous situation. I think DB is not the only one. They just got caught. I think if you look at the balance sheets very closely of other banks, especially Europe and Italian banks, you will see a lot of troubling signs also. I don’t think it’s only Deutsche Bank. It’s much more. . . . If it breaks $6.40, the downside price target is zero. If everybody watches my analysis and it does go below $6.40, everybody is going to run for the exits.”

Včerajšnja zaključna cena delnice DB je bila 7.11 USD:

crt sporočil: 27.187
[#2777311] 30.05.19 20:44
Odgovori   +    0
The book traces the rise and fall of Bill Broeksmit, an American executive who was regarded as the conscience of Deutsche Bank. In 2014, he was found hanging in his London apartment. His son gets access to Broeksmit's computer files and embarks on a wild quest to understand why his father killed himself. The answers he finds will help explain how Deutsche Bank became the financial equivalent of a weapon of mass destruction.

Strani: 1