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philips sporočil: 6.715
[#2775929] 22.05.19 15:14
Odgovori   +    1
Pa bi tile britanski japonci pojasnili zakaj morajo ubogati ZDA? Ker lahko da se bo podrl celotni svetovni trgovniski sistem ...
gobim sporočil: 583
[#2775955] 22.05.19 17:07
Odgovori   +    7
Takole je rekel Apple-ov šef Tim Cook:

"Apple CEO Tim Cook said recently that his company goes to China not to seek cheap manufacturing, but for the quality. He stated that in America he cannot fill a room with the kind of technicians and experts he needs, but in China, he can fill a football stadium.

This is the truth because as Chinese people are increasingly becoming fascinated with science and technology, Western high-school graduates are growing increasingly interested in sports, rap music, art, travel, etc. In 2017, China produced 4.7 million STEM graduates (science, technology, engineering and math), India produced 2.6 million and America produced a meager 588,000."

In še tole, namreč kaj so naredili Kitajci ob prvih praskah v začetku 2018:

"On April 17, 2018, the official media People’s Daily published an article responding that China “will increase its investment in chips at any cost.” The media then published news that China would increase capital by another 500 billion yuan (US $78 billion) for a special fund that had first been established in 2014, which will focus on supporting China’s domestic chip production and technology. The support will target three areas, including memory chips, integrated circuit designs, and compound semiconductors."

Zaključke pa si potegnite sami.

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