Strani: 1

anon-317028 sporočil: 30.415
[#2729364] 21.08.18 11:16
Odgovori   +    1
Trump je včeraj sporočil Rusom, da je pripravljen ukiniti sankcije, če Rusija naredi nekaj dobrega za ZDA, kaj naj bi to bilo ni povedal. Verjetno je mislil na umik Rusije iz Sirije in Ukrajine, vrnitev Krima Ukrajini, odstop od projekta Severni tok 2, ukinitev diplomatskih odnosov s Kitajsko in Iranom, delitev Rusije na tri dela od katerih bi enega vzela Amerika...Trump je postal iracionalen in pogovori ZDA s Kitajsko so tudi iracionalni. Teza. Trump ugotavlja, da sankcije in carine Rusom in Kitajcem nimajo učinka, kvečjemu škodujejo Američanom....“I haven’t thought about it. But no, I’m not considering it at all,” Trump responded to Reuters’ question about whether he would consider lifting sanctions against Russia. “I would consider it if they do something that would be good for us. But I wouldn’t consider it without that,” he added. “In other words, I wouldn’t consider it, even for a moment, unless something was go — we have a lot of things in common. We have a lot of things we can do good for each other.”
anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
[#2729408] 21.08.18 14:25
Odgovori   +    0
Kitajci kot kaze tudi ne pricakujejo nekega hudega napredka

Strani: 1