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Izbrana tema: If you can’t take them over, defund them

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[Odklop] Tema: If you can’t take them over, defund them
[#2921835] 14.04.21 02:14 · odgovor na: Endimion (#2919614)
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Članek je za paywallom, ampak že v onem, kar je vidno, se skriva napaka.

Rezervni kaplar resda bije vojno prodi RTV SLO, ampak ni pa RTV SLO ona ki je ostalka brez financiranja. to je STA
Corrections (April 10th and 12th):This article initially stated that the Slovenian government is refusing to pay RTV-SLO’s budget and that the law would allow politicians to appoint more of RTV-SLO's board members. Both statements were untrue. The government has withheld payments this year to STA, the state-backed news agency, and the law would allow the government to directly appoint board members of STA. The Economist regrets the errors.

A version of this article was published online on April 6th 2021

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