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alina sporočil: 150
Sodišče, ki bo o tem odločalo, je v rangu ustavnega sodišča. Pri prevajanju je treba upoštevati tudi kulturološke aspekte, za boljše razumevanje. Podobno npr. ameriški SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), ki je uradno torej "commission", smiselno prevajamo kot ameriško agencijo za trg vrednostnih papirjev SEC.

A propos ustave: VB nima kodificirane ustave v klasičnem smislu, kot jo poznamo pri nas. Tule je kar dobro pojasnilo:

From a comparative perspective, we have what is known as an ‘unwritten constitution’, although some prefer to describe it as ‘uncodified’ on the basis that many of our laws of a constitutional nature are in fact written down in Acts of Parliament or law reports of court judgments. This aspect of the British constitution, its unwritten nature, is its most distinguishing characteristic.

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