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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2787377] 05.08.19 12:38 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2787081)
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Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 05.08.2019 12:53
Tole bi nekako pasalo v rubriki avto in O+E, ampak mi je tukaj objaviti bolj komot, kot iskati ravno pravi članek za to zadevo. Katero? Električni avti in baterije zanje, bolj konkretno stari avti in stare baterije.

Automotive News piše o Nissanu Leafu, prvem bolj množičnem električnem avtu na ameriškem trgu, katerega zgodnji primerki so v letih, ko baterije že začnejo pešati. Koliko stane zamenjava, če sploh je racionalna, zakaj Nissan v ZDA nima enakega programa tovarniško obnovljenih baterij po zmerni ceni, kot ga je uvedel na Japonskem, in podobna vprašanja obravnavajo - v glavnem brez odgovora. Jasno pa je, da rabljeni električarji ne morejo dobro ohranjati vrednosti, če nad njihovimi potencialnimi kupci visi Damoklejev meč bistveno zmanjšanega dosega oz. stroška cca 8500 USD za novo baterijo.
The early Leaf batteries are the canaries in the coal mine — their feeble charge an alarm for what is almost certain to become an industrywide issue.
Just as Nissan was a pioneer in selling a battery-powered, zero-emission car in the U.S. in late 2010, the automaker must become a pioneer in figuring out how to address aging batteries that — as consumers have learned with their cellphones — last only so long. It's an industry reality that eventually all automakers that followed Nissan will have to sort out.
The earliest Tesla Model S sedans, launched in 2012, will soon cross their eight-year battery warranty mark. Next is BMW, which launched the full-electric i3 in the U.S. in 2014.
For Ravi Kan-ade, a battery refurb option can't come soon enough. The 24-kilowatt-hour battery in Kanade's 2012 Nissan Leaf SL has lost half its charging capacity after just 60,000 miles.
Pisanje o JV podjetju za obnovo baterij se sklicuje na Reuters, ki je o tem poročal marca lani.
Starting in May, 4R Energy Corporation, a joint venture between the Nissan and Sumitomo Corp will begin selling rebuilt replacement lithium-ion batteries for the first-generation Leaf.
The batteries will be produced at the new factory in Namie by reassembling high-performing modules removed from batteries whose overall energy capacity has fallen below 80 percent.
They will be sold in Japan for 300,000 yen ($2,855.51), roughly half the price of brand-new replacement batteries for the world’s first and best selling mass-marketed all-battery EV.
“Second use is potentially a really great option, but at the end of it all, batteries still need to be recycled,” said Jeff Spangenberger, energy systems researcher at the U.S. Argonne National Laboratory, adding that the profitability of battery recycling operations would depend on the highly volatile price of component materials.
Druga, veliko bolj propagirana možnost za uporabo oslabljenih baterij je njihova združitev v velike shranjevalnike elektrike, npr. za viške energije iz obnovljivih virov, a to kupcev EV ne briga kaj dosti, ker ne rešuje njihovih dilem in problemov.

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