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Izbrana tema: članek Pred natanko 50 leti Armstrong stopil na Luno

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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[Glavni forum] Tema: Pred natanko 50 leti Armstrong stopil na Luno
[#2785210] 23.07.19 19:51 · odgovor na: rx170 (#2785199)
Odgovori   +    1
OK I give up. Sicer ima SpaceX pri raketah nedosegljivo prednost, po besedah ruskega šefa, nedosegljivo ceno, največjo raketo na trgu, TODA rusi so še VEDNO najboljši.
Čeprav so sami rusi malček drugačnega mišljenja. KVA PA ZDJ???

Look, if we compare the ships on a technological level, our Soyuz is in principle unable to compete with the SpaceX’s Crew Dragon. This is because our Soyuz was ideologically built in the 1960s by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Even having undergone a lot of modification, it is still flying to this day. It is reliable and its bugs have all been worked out. But it has become an unreliable ship in principle. Even when the Chinese built their ship, “Heavenly Vessel” (Shenzhou)—a pretty name—on the basis of our Soyuz, they rebuilt the entire article. In the first place, [the Chinese ship] is bigger. Secondly, their habitation module is a completely independent vehicle, able to undock and fly for up to a month on its own. As to the re-entry module, theirs is larger, more reliable, and less crowded than ours and so forth.

But Elon Musk has built the ship of the future. It’s a seven-place spacecraft. It is re-usable. It is new technology. Accordingly, it beats Soyuz according to every parameter, by every technological indicator. It only needs to prove its usefulness for manned space launches, and then in July it will make its first manned flight. Musk will not only take away from Roscosmos… Transporting foreign astronauts [on Soyuz] to the ISS is ending. Each year we (Russia) received about $400 million, and now that will end. We will be forced by this, most likely, to carry tourists, but Musk will be able to offer lower prices to tourists as well, and he has a ship with seven seats. So what are we even talking about?

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