Izbrani forum: Avto

Izbrana tema: članek Trumpova grožnja s carinami na evropske avte vse večja

Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
HA ha ha , KVALITETNI nemški avtomobili, sure. Pred 20 leti. Preberi njihove avto forume, ne pa nekaj spet na pamet. Mantra, ki že precej let ne velja več.


BMW recalls one million luxury cars over fire fears | Daily Mail Online
Nov 4, 2017 - BMW has recalled more than 1 million cars and SUVs in the US due to the .... John Minkhe of Sweden said his BMW X5 burst into flames a few ...
As mysterious BMW fires continue, calls for investigation into possible ...
Feb 5, 2019
Despite continued reports of parked BMWs bursting into flames, the government ... BMW insists that car ...

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Ni nobene :(