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bc123a sporočil: 48.253
Zadnja sprememba: bc123a 05.09.2018 11:14
"Finančna ministrica Magdalena Andersson je 16. avgusta povedala, da se novi priseljenci zaposlujejo dvakrat hitreje od tistih priseljencev, ki so na Švedsko prišli v poznih letih prvega desetletja tega tisočletja."

Naj omenim tri spremenljivke:
- starost
- cena
- delez pripravljenih na delo v preostali populaciji brez dela
Za kaksno ceno?

The big grievance is crime. Paradoxically, figures from the National Council for Crime Prevention show a steady decline in many crimes — in physical assaults, say, and car theft. Yet that success doesn’t seem to matter when the offences on the rise (the burnt-out cars, the organised crime) are so spectacular. Murder is up 40 per cent since 2012; the number of gun homicides has more than doubled in ten years. Compared with Britain, it is five times more common for young men in Sweden to be shot and killed. Even if much of this growth can be attributed to wars between criminal gangs, ordinary people do get exposed to the killings.

Spada v tisto zgodbo da je vsa ekonomija na koncu politicna ekonomija, in to politiki ignorirajo v lastno skodo.

Mimogrede, stevilke v BDPju ne povejo vsega, tudi v sloveniji smo dosegali fantasticno rast z brezumnim trosenjem - koliko vpliva migrantov je na odhodkovni strani, in koliko na dohodkovni?

In, iz miroljubne drzave, kjer si lahko 20 let nazaj puscal vrata odprta, se je spremenila v nekaj, se najbolj podobnega ZDA:

In the past year, two of my acquaintances in Uppsala have been witnesses to murders in broad daylight. One of them, a teenager, was chased by the assassin. The other, a parent biking home from the kindergarten with the kids, decided to move from the city because this wasn’t the first time someone was killed nearby.

Such stories are, of course, unusual. But they travel fast — because, not so long ago, Swedish cities weren’t ganglands. It wasn’t a regular feature of city life that cars were torched, nor (as now seems to happen) were hundreds of schools attacked by arsonists.

Torej, ce si bel sved in imas sreco, da se odselis v kraj, ki ga imigranti se niso "kulturno obogatili", bos seveda volil socialdemokrate ali konzervativce, se zavzemal za nadalnjo kulturno obogatitev, kot da se nic ni zgodilo. Ce si pa med tistimi, ki morajo ziveti v getih, bos pa Svedske demokrate.

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