Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

pobalin sporočil: 14.456
Sicer je blockchain naravnost idealen "partner" za elektroenergetiko, ker lahko požre cel kup energije. Tako lahko ustvarimo samozadostne, avtarkične elektroenergetske sisteme - kot če bi nafto in plin skurili kar na črpališčih. Odpadle bi vse emisije zaradi transporta pa to... grejt fjučer. :-)
Iceland is facing an "exponential" rise in Bitcoin mining that is gobbling up power resources, a spokesman for Icelandic energy firm HS Orka has said.
This year, electricity use at Bitcoin mining data centres is likely to exceed that of all Iceland's homes, according to Johann Snorri Sigurbergsson.
He said many potential customers were keen to get in on the act.
"If all these projects are realised, we won't have enough energy for it," he told the BBC.
Smari McCarthy, a member of the Icelandic parliament for the Pirate Party, tweeted: "Cryptocurrency mining requires almost no staff, very little in capital investments, and mostly leaves no taxes either.
"The value to Iceland... is virtually zero."

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