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Izbrana tema: Špeckahlanje

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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2612739] 22.08.16 15:05 · odgovor na: (#2612719)
Odgovori   +    0
Saj pravim, vztrajaj. Četudi ne polemiziramo, beremo. Lep dan.
No, če že res hočeš... :-)
Evo, en cinično-realističen pogled z otoške stiff-upper-lip višine na to zadevo:
Which brings me to VW’s current issues and the disruption that the company is experiencing due to a dispute with one or more of its suppliers – suppliers that it would appear the company wanted to drop and so has terminated their contracts. I suspect that managers at Wolfsburg are not all that surprised by recent events.
If you are going to have supply problems, August the holiday month is probably the month to have them in. Drop the contract termination bombshells, get the reaction (predictably, parts supplies halted), play a bit of hardball over compensation levels and get the courts involved. Talks between VW and the unhappy suppliers resume today (there were none at the weekend, which tells you how urgent it really is for VW). Expect to see a compromise, with an agreed compensation settlement and resumed deliveries later this week, no real harm done. VW will have rejigged its supply base as intended, minimised associated contract termination costs and the suppliers concerned will have mitigated the impact of lost revenues on their businesses.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(