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Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

bc123a sporočil: 48.253
[Avto] Tema: Anglija: Volkswagnovi dizli za med, kljub aferi
[#2554338] 07.10.15 11:01 · odgovor na: (#2554332)
Odgovori   +    5
To bo še zabavno:

"EU Tester Reveals That VW Diesels Are Actually The Cleanest - All Automakers Are Cheating On Tests"
Ni cisto tako. je en dobro pokomentiral:

wow, talk about a clickbait headline.

Let's get one thing straight immediately: testing other brands hasn't found ANYONE else using cheat software intentionally designed to beat the test and fail the rest of the time. So far that's VAG and only VAG. Period.

Now, testing may show that the test methods don't correspond to real world driving results, but that's a problem with the testing methodology then, not a problem with cheating. If you tell the manufacturers "here's the standards, here's how we test" then that's what they're going to engineer. Whatever standards you give them, they'll engineer to those, whether it's fuel economy testing, crash testing, emissions testing, whatever. Changing the testing method afterwards doesn't make them cheaters, If the results are different using a different test that you think is more realistic, fine, then make THAT test the standard and let them engineer to that instead. But until you change the emissions test, the vehicles are operating exactly as they were told they had to, and are operating under the same parameters whether they're being tested or or being driven. With the exception of VAG, who intentionally have their vehicles running one way during testing and a completely different way when they're not.

And that's an enormous difference. VAG intentionally lied. They committed fraud. What they did was criminal. They sat on their high horse and rammed CLEAN TDI and Truth in Engineering down all of our throats while some exec sat in a dark office smirking like a Bond villain at how stupid we were, and how completely and easily they'd tricked us. We as consumers should be insulted at what they did, and you as journalists should be outraged that they used you as mouthpieces to repeat their lies and tell us how great they were. They treated all of us like idiots, and instead of calling them out on it you're trying to taint everyone else by painting them with the same brush as VAG, as if the two situations are even remotely similar. They aren't. And as journalists you should be ashamed for even trying.

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