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Izbrana tema: članek Fakin o Ljolju: Direkten napad farmacevtskega lobija na ZZZS
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[Glavni forum]
Tema: Fakin o Ljolju: Direkten napad farmacevtskega lobija na ZZZS
[#3052983] 11.12.24 13:54 · odgovor na: (# 3052981)
[#3052983] 11.12.24 13:54 · odgovor na: (# 3052981)
[]Ko je nekaj tako slabo delujočega, se ne splača popravljati.
Ta ZZZS bi bilo potrebno razgnat in ga postaviti na povsem nove temelje.
Argentina dissolves AFIP and creates ARCA
Argentina changes the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP), after Javier Milei signs 953/2024 Decree and creates the Customs Collection and Control Agency (ARCA) as a new autonomous entity under the orbit of the Ministry of Economy.