Izbrani forum: Glavni forum
Izbrana tema: članek Streljali na slovaškega premiera Roberta Fica
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Zadnja sprememba: crt 15.05.2024 16:04
The man who shot Robert Fico turned out to be a native of the
Slovak city of Levice, law enforcement officers are finding out his
motives - TV JojA 71-year-old man shot at #Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, Joj TV reported.
je pa pri tej zadevi za spomnit...
Ján Kuciak was a Slovak investigative journalist. Kuciak worked as a reporter for the news website Aktuality.sk and focused mainly on investigating tax fraud of several businessmen with connections to top-level Slovak politicians. He and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírová, were assassinated on 21 February 2018 in their home in Veľká Mača, Galanta District, Slovakia.
to je bilo v casu prejsnje ficove vlade, ki je potem odstopila.