Izbrani forum: Glavni forum
Izbrana tema: članek Kdaj dobimo v Sloveniji omrežje 5G in kaj lahko od njega pričakujemo?
Strani: 1
sporočil: 48.253
Zadnja sprememba: bc123a 04.12.2019 18:17
5G za telebane: kaj vse morate vedeti o prihajajoči tehnologiji, ki nam bo spremenila življenjaHype.
(verjetno vam ne pove veliko, da bo za odziv potrebovalo eno milisekundo, to pa je zamik, ki ga uporabnik ne more zaznati).Kaj to pomeni? Roundtrip time do Amazonovih streznikov na irskem je cca 40-50 milisekund. Preko ozicene povezave! Ce tu doda "last mile" po zraku se eno milisekundo ali pa dvajset, to ne pomeni nic.
Skratka: Hype
Da boste lahko skoraj v hipu, v le nekaj sekundah, pretočili film najvišje kakovosti, je morda koristno za kratkočasne večereRazen ce bom prenasal od soseda v hisi malo naprej v ulici, potem zadeva ni relevantna. Ker se enkrat: do Amazonovih streznikov (kjer trenutno domuje Netflix) se cas prenosa meri v desetinah (ne desetinKah) milisekund, hitrost prenosa pa v desetinah megabitov ... na lep dan.
Skratka: nategujejo vas, kot ste dolgi in siroki. Ce bi 5G hotel ponujati to, kar pisete, je treba najprej urediti prenos po kablih, kjer bodo naceloma potovali podatki 99% razdalje.
sporočil: 1.967
Zadnja sprememba: 0430ABAKU 05.12.2019 01:55
Omrežje 5G bo tako hitro, da bo storitve zagotavljalo praktično v realnem časuTule ima večina tudi strokovnjakov zmotno mnenje, da v "realnem času" pomeni "skoraj neskočno hitro". V realnem času v resnici pomeni "točno takrat, ko je pričakovano". Nič prej in nič kasneje. Ta pričakovani čas pa je lahko tudi čez 5 sekund. Ni nujno, da je čez 5 nanosekund. Računalniški procesorji so v 80-ih delali v realnem času. Zdaj že veliko let ne več.
Ura teče v realnem času. Pa bohnedaj, da bi šla neskončno hitro.
V eni milisekundi se tudi ne bo vse zgodilo.
Svetloba v eni milisekundi prepotuje 300 km. To pomeni, da v povsem idealnem primeru, ko bi bili vsi časi procesiranja nič in bi se ves čas porabil samo za prenos, v eni milisekundi ne moremo dobiti podatka niti iz Milana. Kaj šele iz Londona ali New Yorka. V praksi pa tole ne gre niti na relaciji Ljubljana-Koper. Dokler božji parlament ne bo spremenil nebeških (fizikalnih) zakonov, ne bo tole šlo niti s 7G tehnologijo. S 5G pa tudi ne.
sporočil: 3.087
Zadnja sprememba: ogo 05.12.2019 08:11
Jaz od 5G pričakujem konec lakote v Afriki.V Sloveniji pa nižje davke in zamenjavo vseh državnih birokratov z eno blockchain driven AI skripto, ki laufa v oblaku.
sporočil: 85
Glede na to da vemo kak je pri nas, bo kvečjemu obratno. Še višji
davki -> še višja zakonsko določena minimalna plača ->
podjetja v gospodarstvu bodo morala 90 % stvari robotizirati, ker
drugače več ne bodo konkurenčna. Vsi ti odpuščeni delavci se bodo
prezaposlili v javni upravi! Vsak robot bo namreč imel v javni
upravi 3 zaposlene, ki ga bodo nadzirali, če je učinkovit, če je že
pokoristil kaj bolniških, etc.. Mokre sanje levice in SD in ostalih
socialistov na oblasti. Gospodarstva itak ne rabiš, važno je, da
imamo dober državni aparat, dobre šole etc. In 5G nam bo omogočil
to, da bodo za vse v javni upravi delali samo še roboti, jeeej!
sporočil: 1.056
Zanimivo, po svetu protestirajo, a v najnaprednejši
Sloveniji je vse tiho, brez pomislekov in brez kančka dvoma ... Še
zanimivejše pa je v zvezi s to tematiko opazovati mainstream
medije (in politike), pa ne le v Sloveniji.
INTERNATIONAL APPEAL - Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Še eno precej sveže obvestilo v zvezi z navedenim pozivom in vezanimi dogajanji:
* * * * * * *
From: Arthur Firstenberg on behalf of Arthur Firstenberg
Sent: Sunday, December 1, 2019 00:56
To: ...
Subject: Global Day of Protest; Update on Satellites
So far, groups in the following countries have announced that they are organizing events on January 25, 2020 as part of the Global Day of Protest against 5G:
Czech Republic
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
If you are organizing an event in a country that is not on that list, please contact Dorotea at stop5gnow@protonmail.com.
Current List of Companies Planning 5G Satellites
As of today, the following companies are planning to launch, or are already launching, 5G satellites into low orbit around the Earth:
SpaceX, based in the United States, has plans for 42,000 satellites, has already launched 120, intends to launch 60 at a time twice a month during 2020, and is developing a larger rocket that can launch 120 at a time. As soon as 420 satellitesare in orbit, it plans to turn them on. That could be as early as February 2020.
OneWeb, based in the United Kingdom, has plans for 5,260 satellites and intends to launch 30 at a time every three to four weeks beginning in January 2020. As soon as 300 satellites are in orbit, in late 2020, it plans to turn them on.
Telesat, based in Canada, has plans for 512 satellites, and intends to begin service in 2021.
Amazon has plans for 3,236 satellites and intends to begin service as soon as 578 are in orbit.
Facebook has plans for thousands of satellites but has not disclosed its plans to the public.
Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency, has plans for 640 satellites, to be deployed between 2022 and 2026.
Aerospace Science and Industry Corp., a Chinese state-owned company, has plans for 156 satellites, to be in place by 2022.
The above companies will broadcast only 5G and will sell user devices that will be mounted on homes and vehicles and will function as small cells. Another company, Lynk, has plans for “several thousand” satellitesthat will communicate directly with cell phones and will broadcast not only 5G, but also 2G, 3G and 4G. Lynk intends to begin service in 2023.
In addition to these satellite plans, Loon, a subsidiary of Google, has a contract to provide Internet to remote areas of the Amazon rainforest in Peru from stratospheric balloons.
China Already Has Nationwide 5G and Is Developing 6G
Two countries already have nationwide 5G, China and South Korea. And the insanity continues to escalate: China is already developing 6G. On November 7, CNBC reported that 37 universities, research institutes, and enterprises will be involved in developing 6Gtechnology in China. 6G will use even higher frequencies than 5G, and will send even greater tsunamis of data all over this fragile world. And other countries are rushing to compete as well. The University of Oulu in Finland has a 6G research institute. OnSeptember 29, 2019, Rohde and Schwarz demonstrated a prototype system operating at 300 GHz at a workshop in Paris. And in the U.S., the Federal Communications Commission is planning to open up frequencies up to 3 THz (3,000 GHz) for research purposes.
Change Begins with Us
Today, the world’s immortal forests are being turned into laser paper for the world’s computers. The world’s great oceans are filling up with microplastics, into which our shampoo bottles and grocery bags, by the disposable billions, are breaking down. Highways,ever wider and faster, are being bulldozed through mountains and across fjords, and invading the last great roadless areas on Earth. And billions of handheld devices are blanketing the Earth with lethal radiation. As Rachel Carson warned, not just the songsof birds, but the croakings of frogs and the buzzings of insects are growing rapidly fainter all over the Earth.
And it is not because we humans have become magically more aggressive towards the Earth since I was born. We were on this Earth for hundreds of thousands of years without doing damage to it. It is our new technology that is aggressive. It is a mistake to thinkthat because IT is so powerful, that WE are so powerful. We aren’t. The truth is exactly the opposite. We are as delicate and vulnerable as the insects, birds and frogs, and we live or die as they do.
The most aggressive piece of technology yet invented is the cell phone. The question we have got to confront is, do we want to survive? Which do we want more: our phones or our planet? Consider:
•Radio frequency radiation is the first pollutant in history that is being deliberately spread over every square inch of the Earth, with the goal of leaving no place unpolluted.
•In order for your cell phone to work, the entire wireless infrastructure, including all the cell towers, has to be there, all over the planet.
•A cell phone is not safer than a cell tower. The technology is the same. The radiation is the same. Your biggest source of exposure is your phone, not the towers.
Everyone wants cell phones. No one wants cell towers. Unless this changes, 5G will not be stopped and life on Earth will end. 5G is only more of what we already have, that has already decimated the world’s insect, amphibian and bird populations, and that hascaused the present epidemics of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.[1] That is why 5G is not just a threat but an opportunity. The only way we will stop 5G is if we throw away our cell phones. And if we can give up this catastrophic piece of human progress,then it becomes possible to deal rationally with the others—the others that are causing climate change, global deforestation, and the terminal pollution of our soils, oceans and atmosphere.
It is up to us.
Arthur Firstenberg, Administrator
International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Tel: +1 505-471-0129
Email: info@cellphonetaskforce.org
[1] The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, chapters 11, 12, 13 and 16
* * * * * * *
INTERNATIONAL APPEAL - Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Še eno precej sveže obvestilo v zvezi z navedenim pozivom in vezanimi dogajanji:
* * * * * * *
From: Arthur Firstenberg on behalf of Arthur Firstenberg
Sent: Sunday, December 1, 2019 00:56
To: ...
Subject: Global Day of Protest; Update on Satellites
So far, groups in the following countries have announced that they are organizing events on January 25, 2020 as part of the Global Day of Protest against 5G:
Czech Republic
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
If you are organizing an event in a country that is not on that list, please contact Dorotea at stop5gnow@protonmail.com.
Current List of Companies Planning 5G Satellites
As of today, the following companies are planning to launch, or are already launching, 5G satellites into low orbit around the Earth:
SpaceX, based in the United States, has plans for 42,000 satellites, has already launched 120, intends to launch 60 at a time twice a month during 2020, and is developing a larger rocket that can launch 120 at a time. As soon as 420 satellitesare in orbit, it plans to turn them on. That could be as early as February 2020.
OneWeb, based in the United Kingdom, has plans for 5,260 satellites and intends to launch 30 at a time every three to four weeks beginning in January 2020. As soon as 300 satellites are in orbit, in late 2020, it plans to turn them on.
Telesat, based in Canada, has plans for 512 satellites, and intends to begin service in 2021.
Amazon has plans for 3,236 satellites and intends to begin service as soon as 578 are in orbit.
Facebook has plans for thousands of satellites but has not disclosed its plans to the public.
Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency, has plans for 640 satellites, to be deployed between 2022 and 2026.
Aerospace Science and Industry Corp., a Chinese state-owned company, has plans for 156 satellites, to be in place by 2022.
The above companies will broadcast only 5G and will sell user devices that will be mounted on homes and vehicles and will function as small cells. Another company, Lynk, has plans for “several thousand” satellitesthat will communicate directly with cell phones and will broadcast not only 5G, but also 2G, 3G and 4G. Lynk intends to begin service in 2023.
In addition to these satellite plans, Loon, a subsidiary of Google, has a contract to provide Internet to remote areas of the Amazon rainforest in Peru from stratospheric balloons.
China Already Has Nationwide 5G and Is Developing 6G
Two countries already have nationwide 5G, China and South Korea. And the insanity continues to escalate: China is already developing 6G. On November 7, CNBC reported that 37 universities, research institutes, and enterprises will be involved in developing 6Gtechnology in China. 6G will use even higher frequencies than 5G, and will send even greater tsunamis of data all over this fragile world. And other countries are rushing to compete as well. The University of Oulu in Finland has a 6G research institute. OnSeptember 29, 2019, Rohde and Schwarz demonstrated a prototype system operating at 300 GHz at a workshop in Paris. And in the U.S., the Federal Communications Commission is planning to open up frequencies up to 3 THz (3,000 GHz) for research purposes.
Change Begins with Us
Today, the world’s immortal forests are being turned into laser paper for the world’s computers. The world’s great oceans are filling up with microplastics, into which our shampoo bottles and grocery bags, by the disposable billions, are breaking down. Highways,ever wider and faster, are being bulldozed through mountains and across fjords, and invading the last great roadless areas on Earth. And billions of handheld devices are blanketing the Earth with lethal radiation. As Rachel Carson warned, not just the songsof birds, but the croakings of frogs and the buzzings of insects are growing rapidly fainter all over the Earth.
And it is not because we humans have become magically more aggressive towards the Earth since I was born. We were on this Earth for hundreds of thousands of years without doing damage to it. It is our new technology that is aggressive. It is a mistake to thinkthat because IT is so powerful, that WE are so powerful. We aren’t. The truth is exactly the opposite. We are as delicate and vulnerable as the insects, birds and frogs, and we live or die as they do.
The most aggressive piece of technology yet invented is the cell phone. The question we have got to confront is, do we want to survive? Which do we want more: our phones or our planet? Consider:
•Radio frequency radiation is the first pollutant in history that is being deliberately spread over every square inch of the Earth, with the goal of leaving no place unpolluted.
•In order for your cell phone to work, the entire wireless infrastructure, including all the cell towers, has to be there, all over the planet.
•A cell phone is not safer than a cell tower. The technology is the same. The radiation is the same. Your biggest source of exposure is your phone, not the towers.
Everyone wants cell phones. No one wants cell towers. Unless this changes, 5G will not be stopped and life on Earth will end. 5G is only more of what we already have, that has already decimated the world’s insect, amphibian and bird populations, and that hascaused the present epidemics of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.[1] That is why 5G is not just a threat but an opportunity. The only way we will stop 5G is if we throw away our cell phones. And if we can give up this catastrophic piece of human progress,then it becomes possible to deal rationally with the others—the others that are causing climate change, global deforestation, and the terminal pollution of our soils, oceans and atmosphere.
It is up to us.
Arthur Firstenberg, Administrator
International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Tel: +1 505-471-0129
Email: info@cellphonetaskforce.org
[1] The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, chapters 11, 12, 13 and 16
* * * * * * *
sporočil: 10.559
Je pa res, da je recimo na drugi strani za komunikacije IOT v "realnem času" potrebno relativno zelo malo prenosa podatkov, odzivnost v milisekundah pa je ključna. In prisotnost povezave (ne nujno nove tehnologije 5G) praktično povsod je tudi pomembna.
Je pa res, da je recimo na drugi strani za komunikacije IOT v "realnem času" potrebno relativno zelo malo prenosa podatkov, odzivnost v milisekundah pa je ključna. In prisotnost povezave (ne nujno nove tehnologije 5G) praktično povsod je tudi pomembna.
sporočil: 48.253
[kzupanc]To je res, ampak to je tudi edina omembe vredna prednost te tehnologije. In bi bilo fajn, da novinarji ne bi nakladali.
Je pa res, da je recimo na drugi strani za komunikacije IOT v "realnem času" potrebno relativno zelo malo prenosa podatkov, odzivnost v milisekundah pa je ključna. In prisotnost povezave (ne nujno nove tehnologije 5G) praktično povsod je tudi pomembna.
Da naredim kratek povzetek za avtorico clanka: 5G se od 4G v praksi uporabe razlikuje samo po tem, da se bo podatek MED DVEMA NAPRAVAMA V ISTEM OMREZJU prenesel z izjemno majhno latenco. Torej med vasim in mojim mobitelom, ce sva oba na istem operaterju recimo v oni milisekundi o kateri govorite. Morda morava biti celo blizu (na isti bazni postaji?) - tega pa ne vem.
Skratka. Nehajte nabijati in v casopisu malo opisite realne prednosti tehnologije, ker navsezadnje, ce kdo hoce v to investirati mora vedeti, kaksna sploh je dodana vrednost.
Strani: 1