Strani: 1

153 sporočil: 9.333
[#2790417] 25.08.19 13:15
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: 153 25.08.2019 13:18
Posluša, IZVOLJENI, le sebe samega, mnenja
drugih ga morda naredijo le še bolj hladnega ?

anon-317028 sporočil: 30.415
[#2790424] 25.08.19 13:47
Odgovori   +    6
Donaldu Tusku, ki je prisoten na srečanju kot predstavnik EU se je sfuzalo. Na Trumpovo idejo, da bi naslednjič morali na srečanje poklicati Rusijo je dejal, da bi v tem primeru morali poklicati tudi Ukrajino, kar dokazuje, da Poljak sploh ne razume kaj je G7, saj želi eno revno nevplivno državo povabiti na srečanje bogatih in vplivnih. Upajmo, da EU nikoli več na pomembnih položajih ne bo imela politikov iz vzhodnih članic, ki na vplivnih položajih zdravijo lastne flustracije.
crt sporočil: 27.164
[#2790426] 25.08.19 13:57
Odgovori   +    1
Zadnja sprememba: crt 25.08.2019 14:11
AFP news agency
#BREAKING Trump's only regret on China is 'not raising the tariffs higher': White House

“The President was asked if he had ‘any second thought on escalating the trade war with China’. His answer has been greatly misinterpreted. President Trump responded in the affirmative - because he regrets not raising the tariffs higher.”
anon-299030 sporočil: 1.227
[#2790427] 25.08.19 13:59 · odgovor na: anon-317028 (#2790424)
Odgovori   +    6
Tudi glede brexita ima D.Tusk, zdi se tako, bolj osamljeno mnenje. Deluje kot kakšen okoreli komunistični voditelj. Ne nazadnje je sam brexit tudi njegov osebni fiasko (kot nesposoben vodja EU).
alina sporočil: 150
[#2790433] 25.08.19 15:17 · odgovor na: crt (#2790426)
Odgovori   +    3
Kar ne spremeni vprašanja iz naslova ... in niti odgovora.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham later issued a statement seeking to clarify Trump's comments and suggesting the only thing he regrets is not placing higher tariffs on Chinese goods.
Sporočilo so poslali ameriškim novinarjev v spremljevalni delegaciji (pool)

Tule pa je transkripcija originalne izjave (na spletišču BH):

Q Mr. President, any second thoughts on escalating the trade war with China?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Yeah, sure. Why not?
Q Second thoughts? Yes?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Might as well. Might as well.
Q You have second thoughts about escalating the war with China?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I have second thoughts about everything.

Q Are you going to declare a national emergency on China?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I have the right to, if I want. I could declare a national emergency. I think when they steal and take out, and — intellectual property theft, anywhere from $300 billion to $500 billion a year, and where we have a total loss of almost a trillion dollars a year — for many years, this has been going on — in many ways, that’s an emergency.
I have no plan right now. Actually, we’re getting along very well with China right now. We’re talking. I think they want to make a deal much more than I do. We’re getting a lot of money in tariffs. It’s coming in by the billions. We never got 10 cents from China. So we’ll see what happens. But we are talking to China very seriously.
anon-515019 sporočil: 117
[#2790470] 25.08.19 22:25 · odgovor na: anon-317028 (#2790424)
Odgovori   +    5
Ne vem kje in kdaj se je zalomilo v Evropi. Od zavojevalcev sveta, ljudi s kujoni, pobudniki industrijskih revolucij, se je danes vse skoncentriralo na salonske transeksualce, užaljene feministe, glasne babnce in pomehkužene dece. Glede na to, da niti .ukanje ni več moderno, je res edina varianta da uvožamo plemeske bike, ki to delajo na skrivaj namesto nas.
anon-514918 sporočil: 2.327
[#2790478] 26.08.19 01:06 · odgovor na: alina (#2790433)
Odgovori   +    3
"We never got 10 cents from China."

Včasih ga malo zanese. Recimo po krizi so ravno Kitajci Čikaško borzo postavili na noge. Se razume, s svojim kapitalom.

Uriah Heep.
anon-61428 sporočil: 4.493
[#2790483] 26.08.19 06:53
Odgovori   +    3
Ne spuščajte se v besede ampak v dejanja. In Trump bo z dvigom carin ustavil pomoč ameriških korporacij komi kitajski, ki želi zavladati svetu.
PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2790567] 26.08.19 17:46 · odgovor na: anon-61428 (#2790483)
Odgovori   +    0
Kar mu glede na Thomas Industry kar lepo uspeva. Vsak dan kakšna nov tovarna ali širitev in rast domače prozvodnje.

Hello. In this week’s Thomas Index Report, we’re going to take a look at sourcing activity for CNC Machining by users of the platform. Our data shows that over the past 12 weeks, sourcing activity for this category is up 28% over its historical average. It’s also up 38% year over year.

Hello. In this week’s Thomas Index Report, we’re going to take a look at sourcing activity for Automotive Parts by users of the platform. Our data shows that over the past 12 weeks, sourcing activity for this category is up 14% over its historical average. Sourcing activity is also up 13% in the related category of OEM Automotive Parts.
Automobiles and automotive parts are front and center in our country’s ongoing trade battles, making up a significant percentage of the thousands of items impacted by tariffs. In fact, according to the Boston Consulting Group, the U.S. imported roughly $10 billion a year in automotive parts alone from Chinese manufacturers before the tariffs went into effect.
FIN-466864 sporočil: 3.316
[#2790572] 26.08.19 18:05
Odgovori   +    0
čas vnosa: 26.08.19 12:18
The Gorilas7...
Kje je Indija....
Kje je Kitajska...
Po moje bolš, da se sami razpustijo, ker so vse bolj nepomembne države vmses...

Strani: 1