Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: Nekaj lahkega poletnega branja za kučanovske opice

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anon-20668 sporočil: 3.976
Zadnja sprememba: anon-20668 18.07.2019 13:11
It did see marginal improvements in the share of women in parliament and has fully closed its gender gaps in professional and technical roles and women’s tertiary enrolment.
Hehe, a mislijo da se bodo tudi Kitajci streljali v koleno in budalili s problemom (ne)posedovanja pizde? Good luck with that.

China’s innovation score is among the highest in the world, lagging only Germany, the US and Switzerland. But the Index says it needs to “improve performance on softer drivers of innovation, such as diversity, collaboration and various aspects of openness”.
Kakšen "diversity", "collaboration" in "openness"? Spet nek mbajevski ali pa sjw-jevski mumbo jumbo?
So what’s stopping China reaching the top of the competitiveness league table? The Forum says it needs to promote competition in its domestic market by allowing foreign firms to compete with home grown industries
hahaha, i tata bi sine...

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2784347

Strani: 1

anon-317028 sporočil: 30.415
> [UriahHeep]
Hehe, a mislijo da se bodo tudi Kitajci streljali v koleno in budalili s problemom (ne)posedovanja pizde? Good luck with that.
Zakaj ženske streljajo v koleno z željo, da jim pizde dišijo kot parfumerije?

Strani: 1