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ter seveda poceni delovna sila.

S tem je povedano vse.
Ne samo da je poceni, ampak očitno računajo, da se ne bo prav hitro dražila.
Quemard said PSA evaluated other options in the area, including Turkey, which has a strong automotive base but is subject to rising wages and political volatility. Iran has been a PSA stronghold but is now vulnerable to U.S. economic sanctions. And South Africa offered the prospect of a developed country, but it is geographically remote.
All signs pointed to Morocco. In its favor: France has deep historical ties to its former protectorate. Most government and business transactions are carried out in French, and Peugeot and Citroen cars have been a presence on North African roads since the dawn of the motoring age.
Zaradi vprašljivih zakonov varovanja okolja odpadejo tudi okoljevarstveni problemi.
Si prepričan? Res gre pri tem spodaj za piarovštino, ampak tudi to je treba ovreči s kakšnimi podatki in argumenti.
Renaultova tovarna v Maroku bo delovala povsem brez industrijskih odplak, tako bo prihranek vode 70-odstoten
The Tangier site is a spearhead of the environmental strategy of Renault, aimed notably at shrinking its carbon footprint. We have made the reduction of the group's carbon footprint a lead indicator in each of our strategic plans since 2010. Renault was the first carmaker to set such an objective, both quantitative and publicly disclosed!