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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Tisti ki je to zagnal, je po mojem mnenju že zmagal. Nemci bodo (so) žalujoči ostali.
Električarji se smiselni v US, kjer imajo uravnoteženo energetsko politiko.

Nekaterim v DE se že svita, toda ustaviti zeleno zver bo težko. Vprašajte našega profesorčka.

Naslovnica na Der Spielgel pove VSE.

“The Energiewende — the biggest political project since reunification — threatens to fail,” write Der Spiegel’s Frank Dohmen, Alexander Jung, Stefan Schultz, Gerald Traufetter in their a 5,700-word investigative story (the article can be read in English here).

Over the past five years alone, the Energiewende has cost Germany €32 billion ($36 billion) annually, and opposition to renewables is growing in the German countryside.

“The politicians fear citizen resistance” Der Spiegel reports. “There is hardly a wind energy project that is not fought.”

“A large part of the energy used is lost,” the reporters note of a much-hyped hydrogen gas project, “and the efficiency is below 40%... No viable business model can be developed from this.”

Between 2000 and 2019, Germany grew renewables from 7% to 35% of its electricity. And as much of Germany's renewable electricity comes from biomass, which scientists view as polluting and environmentally degrading, as from solar.

Of the 7,700 new kilometers of transmission lines needed, only 8% have been built, while large-scale electricity storage remains inefficient and expensive. “A large part of the energy used is lost,” the reporters note of a much-hyped hydrogen gas project, “and the efficiency is below 40%... No viable business model can be developed from this.”

HALO Profa, KJE je komentar!!!!????

DVAINTRIDESET MILJARD letno prdnejo v zrak!! CCA 8 atomskih. Way to go DE, way to go!!!

Tole je eno zblojeno pleme, ki se mu vsake toliko časa kolektivno utrga do amena.