Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

pobalin sporočil: 14.456
kako je pri ascentu doma, torej v uk?
(ja, vem, da je verjetno registriran nekje offshore, bear with me :)
A to je to?
Persons with significant control: The PSC information is not available because:
From 28 January 2019 the company is exempt from keeping a PSC register as it has voting shares admitted to trading on a regulated market other than the UK
Jaz sem se precej trudil, da bi jim verjel, a sem našel toliko grozljivo črnih lukenj v njihovih tudi "akademsko podkrepljenih" prepričevanjih, da sem obupal. Če bo šlo tako naprej, se bom še včlanil k Marinčku. :-P