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anon-186196 sporočil: 2.052
[Glavni forum] Tema: Najbolj brani članki danes
[#2751846] 08.01.19 20:37 · odgovor na: crt (#2751835)
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off topic, oz glede najine stare debate, aapl. na tole sem naletel pred kratkim na slope of hope, samo copy paste:

From Schwab community, a guy I've read for several years, who visits China regularly on business, speaks of meetings he attends with upper folks [China & US]...fwiw, regarding AAPL:

Some quick thoughts on APPL shortfall in China. They are differentiated as the “high end” brand among the big four in China along with Samsung, Huawei, and Xiaomi. Previously AAPL had design, camera, and status advantage. The Apple ecosystem is less evident in China due to the popularity of unaffiliated social media, E-Commerce, and Fintech Apps. China Smart phone uptake is soft in anticipation of 5G service and smart phone availability later this year. Why pay a price premium for a short technology life phone with diminishing near term advantage. Apples next largest growth target, India has even bigger problems for the company. Even with a deal to have contract manufacturer Foxconn fabricate I-Phones at their Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu India plant, Apple price points are affordable by a very small percentage of the Indian market. Furthermore Xiaomi manufactures competitive lower priced models in the same plant. New Indian protectionist policies will erode Apples ability to differentiate based on eco-system.

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crt sporočil: 27.190
[Glavni forum] Tema: Najbolj brani članki danes
[#2751849] 08.01.19 20:41 · odgovor na: anon-186196 (#2751846)
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ja, vprasljivo je, koliko lahko apple nabija (hw in) services na kitajskem in v indiji, ne samo zaradi cene, temvec tudi zaradi drugacnega nacina uporabe (mocnih lokalno specificnih aplikacij) -- kot je ze bilo v onem clanku od stratechery, omenjenem par dni nazaj, evo ga spet stratechery.com/2017...a-problem/

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