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anon-317028 sporočil: 30.415
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2743044] 17.11.18 22:22 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2743040)
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#obračun z zgodovino #državljanska vojna #diktatura #desni-levi #pozaba-spomin-sprava #Franco #ekshumacija #potomci #cerkev

> On 13th September, Spain’s Congress of Deputies voted to expel the bones of General Francisco Franco from his Catholic-pharaonic tomb at the Valley of the Fallen. Not much longer would the Generalissimo be allowed to repose inside a vast basilica with black marble floors, flanked by chapels dedicated to the patron saints of his army, navy and air force, beneath a simple plate that bears his name but not his rank.
> Seven years had passed since a government-appointed Commission of Experts recommended de-glorifying the dictator by way of exhumation. Suddenly it looked like the new Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez was going to make it happen.
> The following Saturday morning, thousands went to pay respects while they still could. Francoists, nostalgists, day-trippers and rubberneckers formed a traffic jam of pilgrims along the A6 motorway and up the winding access road to the colossal, surreal mausoleum carved into a mountain outside Madrid, where a towering granite cross rises more than 150 metres straight out of the rock.
> ...
> “It’s not about completing the transition to democracy,” said Ferrándiz. “It’s about doing away with the transition model and finding a new one.” The hope, in other words, is for an end to “the two Spains,” and for the birth of a third.
> www.prospectmagazine...he-present

Dodatno branje:

> Franco’s family demands dictator be buried with military honors
> His seven grandchildren want him to be interred in La Almudena cathedral, in the heart of Madrid
> elpais.com/elpais/20...23006.html

> Spain’s deputy PM: Franco will not end up in La Almudena cathedral
> After meeting with Vatican secretary of state on Monday, Carmen Calvo does U-turn and says government will “use Historical Memory Law” to impede his transfer to central Madrid
> elpais.com/elpais/20...45565.html

> Franco victims warn against moving dictator to landmark Madrid site
> Historical memory groups say they will march on the streets if the Spanish government does not fulfill its promise to stop the remains from being transferred to La Almudena cathedral
> elpais.com/elpais/20...53192.html

> Franco family: “The only alternative is that he stay in the Valley of the Fallen”
> Grandchildren of the Spanish dictator say they will fight to rebury his body in the landmark La Almudena cathedral if they cannot stop the exhumation
> elpais.com/elpais/20...42800.html

> The Politics of a Long-Dead Dictator Still Haunt Spain
> The debate over exhuming Francisco Franco reveals a country still divided over his legacy—and what Spain’s bloody civil war means today.
> www.theatlantic.com/...in/572929/
Ja no, ja no, tega prav ne razumem, Španija je razdeljena država...A misliš, da bo enkrat Meščeva družina zahtevala, da se diktatorja pokopa z vsemi počastmi?