Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

philips sporočil: 6.715
Zadnja sprememba: philips 09.11.2018 11:08
> [shevchenko]
> > ... OK, ampak to ne spremeni stvari, ker če bodo demokrati v vseh volilnih okrožjih v vseh 50 državah prepričali vse prebivalce ZDA, da so oni boljši od republikancev, bodo pač vladali, jebiga ...

> kako ne spremeni stvari? ko je nekaj zelo tesno, odlocajo pac malenkosti. recimo maribor olimpija. lahko bi zmagala katerakoli ekipa. ampak na koncu pac odlocajo neke banalnosti...

... ja, če žabarske sodnike imenuješ banalnosti ...

P.S.: nimam pojma, kdo in kako riše volilna okrožja, rahlo pa dvomim, da jih za vsake volitve aktualna vladajoča stranka riše na novo, da bi se obržala na oblasti ...
točno to...

Malo preberi, noro kaj počno:

in še:

So far, the results have been undeniable. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, up to 2 million more people than expected have lost their voting status because of purges after Shelby County. Also according to the Brennan Center, 23 states have made their voting laws more restrictive since 2010, including six of the 10 states with the highest proportions of black voters. And that count doesn’t include North Carolina, the state with the seventh-highest population of black voters, where a battle involving voter ID, gerrymandering, and racial discrimination has dominated politics over the past decade. Nor does it include Texas, now a major battleground for voter-ID laws and gerrymandering plans that mostly affect its high population of Latino voters.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2741567

Strani: 1

najobj sporočil: 31.918
> [najobj]
> > [shevchenko]
> > > ... OK, ampak to ne spremeni stvari, ker če bodo demokrati v vseh volilnih okrožjih v vseh 50 državah prepričali vse prebivalce ZDA, da so oni boljši od republikancev, bodo pač vladali, jebiga ...
> > kako ne spremeni stvari? ko je nekaj zelo tesno, odlocajo pac malenkosti. recimo maribor olimpija. lahko bi zmagala katerakoli ekipa. ampak na koncu pac odlocajo neke banalnosti...
> ... ja, če žabarske sodnike imenuješ banalnosti ...
> P.S.: nimam pojma, kdo in kako riše volilna okrožja, rahlo pa dvomim, da jih za vsake volitve aktualna vladajoča stranka riše na novo, da bi se obržala na oblasti ...
točno to...

Malo preberi, noro kaj počno:

in še:

So far, the results have been undeniable. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, up to 2 million more people than expected have lost their voting status because of purges after Shelby County. Also according to the Brennan Center, 23 states have made their voting laws more restrictive since 2010, including six of the 10 states with the highest proportions of black voters. And that count doesn’t include North Carolina, the state with the seventh-highest population of black voters, where a battle involving voter ID, gerrymandering, and racial discrimination has dominated politics over the past decade. Nor does it include Texas, now a major battleground for voter-ID laws and gerrymandering plans that mostly affect its high population of Latino voters.
... holy shit ! ... alzo, če jaz to "In most states, state legislatures draw the district boundaries that determine how many delegates the state sends to the U.S. Congress, as well as the general partisan make-up of that delegation. State legislatures are partisan beasts, and if one party is in control of the process they can draw boundaries to give themselves a numeric advantage over their opponents in Congress. This process is called gerrymandering." prav razumem, je Amerika še bolj "demokratična", kot sem si mislil, tako da v celoti - kot da mene kdo kaj vpraša - preklicujem svoje poste tukaj zgoraj ...

P.S.: tako www.washingtonpost.c...67823582d4 deluje "demokracija" v Ameriki ... khmm, če bo se še kdo kdaj čudil, kako deluje v Sloveniji ...

Strani: 1