Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

philips sporočil: 6.715

Celotne volitve in volilni rezultati so bili že od začetka močno problematični, posebej takrat, ko je Hilary Clinton dobila več glasov v predsedniški tekmi kot pa Donald Trump, pa se je tehnica prevesila v njegovo korist zaradi glasov elektorjev...že same volitve so show bussines...kakor tudi sedaj potrebujejo show business...njegovi pomagači bodo sicer dobili visoke kazni...on pa bo spet izšel kot veliki osvojitve drugega mandata...
Težko mu bo ostati nedotaknjen:

"He has flatly authorised me to say under no circumstances would he accept a pardon from Mr Trump, who uses the pardon power in a way that no president in American history has ever used," Mr Davis said.

He accused Mr Trump of using the power to "relieve people of guilt" for "political cronies" who "committed crimes", adding, "Mr Cohen is not interested in being dirtied by a pardon from such a man".

Mr Davis said Mr Trump directed Mr Cohen to commit campaign finance laws, meaning he was "guilty of a crime" that was "far beyond what has classically been called impeachable offences".


Michael Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis says on MSNBC that Cohen has information regarding a Russian conspiracy to "corrupt American democracy" and "a failure to report that knowledge to the FBI."

Shit has hit the fan...