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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 13.08.2018 13:01
Rusija namerava zaradi ameriških sankcij, ki so jih deležni, skrčiti naložbe v ameriške obveznice
Namerava? Mar rejverji ne berejo Financ? Tole je Nicolas Vanek v osrednjem poslovnem časniku Moje Dežele objavil pred šestimi dnevi:
Rusija na veliko prodaja ameriške obveznice in kupuje zlato
Od marca so v deželi vodke, medvedov in Putina prodali 84 odstotkov vseh ameriških obveznic
Rusija noče več ameriškega dolga. Še marca je imela v lasti za 96,1 milijarde dolarjev ameriških obveznic, zdaj pa je ta znesek upadel na 14,9 milijarde dolarjev.
Evo, za uravnoteženje rejverske slike še pobalinski čeripiking pri ruski agenciji
When asked about Russia’s possible response to a new package of US sanctions against Russia, Siluanov said: "Our response? I have already said that we have reduced our investments to the American economy and American securities to the minimal level and will continue to diminish them. We will stop using the US dollar and will use our national currency, other currencies, including the European currency. So, as a matter of fact, these restrictions will backfire at the Americans."
According to the minister, Russia has already curtailed investments from its reserve funds into US assets. "I mean the Central Bank’s currency and gold reserve and the government’s reserves, such as the National Welfare Fund: we have retrieved these funds from US securities," he said.
in še pri FT, brexitanski podružnici japonskega medijskega konglomerata.
Russia is trying to reduce its dependence on the dollar by cutting US securities holdings and settling more trade payments in other currencies, Moscow’s chief economic policymaker said, as he sketched out the government’s response to intensified US sanctions.
Anton Siluanov, finance minister and deputy prime minister for the economy, said the US currency was “becoming a risky instrument in international settlements”.
“We have decreased to a minimum level and will further cut our investment in the US economy, in US securities,” he added, in the most direct confirmation so far of a Russian government sell-off of US Treasuries.
According to data released by the US Treasury last month, Russia’s holdings fell from $96bn to just under $15bn in the two months up to the end of May.
Ko sem že pri ministru Siluanovu, velja opozoriti, da je to tisti mož, ki je ob začetku žogobrcarskega mondospektakla v materi Rusiji (kar menda ni bilo namerno "skrivanje" slabe novice) opozoril na nujo po pokojninski reformi. Nekaj več o tem:
"Many people say - let’s hold back these changes until 2030. What will happen? In 2030, one working-age adult will account for one pensioner, which is impossible," Siluanov said.
According to him, today in Russia supporting of one pensioner falls to 1.8 working-age adults. Siluanov explained that on average people are working for about 30 years, and during this time their employers transfer 22% of salary budget to the Pension Fund. At the same time, pensioners live an average 22 years in the period of active longevity after retirement.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2728102

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anon-186196 sporočil: 2.052
Ko sem že pri ministru Siluanovu, velja opozoriti, da je to tisti mož, ki je ob začetku žogobrcarskega mondospektakla v materi Rusiji (kar menda ni bilo namerno "skrivanje" slabe novice) opozoril na nujo po pokojninski reformi...
btw, reforma ni trivialna.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is:

Male 66.4,
female 77.2

anon-476752 sporočil: 484
Zadnja sprememba: anon-476752 13.08.2018 13:21
Rusija nima druge možnosti v nameri vrniti udarec ZDA. Nimajo zadostne moči in vpliva za kaj več, pa so pač naredili kar so lahko.

Strani: 1