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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 27.07.2018 11:53
Tole sem našel v minuti guglanja:
Očitno lahko že kupiš napravo ...
No ja, če bi guglal še nekaj minut več, bi našel spletno stran te japonske "korporacije", ki je v angleščini brez fizičnega in elektronskega naslova, brez rubrike produkti, cenika in/ali seznama distributerjev...
V japonščini je stran precej drugačna, ampak hiter pregled daje vtis, da se že vsaj dve leti tam ni zgodilo nič omembe vrednega. V obeh jezikih dobiš vtis, da se bolj ukvarjajo s pranjem možganov kot pa s produkcijo, promocijo in prodajo svojih mašin.

Potem bi našel kakšno objavo o razširjenosti čudežne predelave plastike v sintetično nafto, ki omenja neke ameriške firme in njihove posle na "industrial scale".
Agri-Plas, an Oregon-based plastics recycler company, is the first one in U.S to convert unwanted and typically unrecyclable agricultural plastics into crude oil. The company has even shipped this oil to a refinery for commercial processing. Then there are other companies like Agilyx (formerly Plas2Fuel), the Envion Oil Generator, and few others that you can read from the reference section below. The video below is a CNN news report of the Envion Oil Generator.
Da je ena od teh firm s svojo tovarno celo našla pot na CNN, je predvsem dokaz za to, da ko se greš 24 ur infotejnmenta, je treba 24 ur zapolnit za vsako ceno. Zato ob komaj verjetni zgodbi za drugo mnenje povprašaš aktivista zelenih in ne kakšnega kemika, poznavalca nafte, polimerov, industrije itn.

Predvsem pa bi bila v teh poročilih večkrat omenjena beseda piroliza, da bi bilo radovednim ljudem omogočeno razumeti nekaj več o tem postopku, ki ni samo za samočiščenje kuhinjskih pečic.
en.wikipedia.org/wik.../Pyrolysis (glej zlasti poglavje Biofuels)

Naslednji korak bi te pripeljal do pet let stare objave o nedavno preminulem ameriškem ultra visokem državnem funkcionarju, ki je milijonsko nasedel v Envionu (BTW, zadnje čase Google na besedo Envion ponuja vrsto objav o stranpoteh kripto panoge - nomen est omen!).
Intelligence: To most of us it means smarts, wisdom, cleverness -- but when the word sits at the heart of the name "Central Intelligence Agency," it stands for vital information, and the special methods used to gather those key facts.
Surprisingly, it turns out that even someone who once was the No. 2 man at the CIA can forget to pay attention to both of those versions of intelligence when it comes to investing.
In Florida this week, former Deputy CIA Director (and former Secretary of Defense under President Reagan) Frank Carlucci walked into court and demanded that a Florida judge enforce judgment against a huckster who Carlucci says defrauded him out of $32 million.
The huckster in question, Michael Han, and his company, West Palm Beach-based Envion, had offered the prospect of taking scraps of plastic waste, originally manufactured from oil, and converting the stuff back into oil for use as a fuel source.
Še malo naprej je nedavna vest, da je bil padre Enviona (featured on CNN!) obsojen za 4 MUSD davčno utajo ob nategu investitorjev.
A former plastics-to-oil CEO has been convicted of tax evasion for failing to pay taxes on $14 million he obtained by defrauding investors, according to prosecutors.
A federal jury found Michael Sang Han guilty of two counts of tax evasion in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia last month. Han served as president and CEO of Envion, a plastics-to-oil (PTO) company launched in 2004.
“Han convinced two individuals to invest nearly $40 million in his company, then used more than $14 million of that money to fund a lavish personal lifestyle,” according to a release from the U.S. Department of Justice.
Če zanemariva zgodbo o goljufu, lahko na oregonskem koncu ZDA najdeva drugo firmo, omenjeno tam zgodaj, ki v predelavi plastike v nafto pred dobrima dvema letoma ni več videla svoje svetle prihodnosti. In se je preusmerila v predelavo plastike v... plastiko. :-P
Four years after Agilyx Corp. was founded with the goal of recycling waste plastic into petroleum, gas at Portland-area pumps was sitting at $4.30 a gallon. That was mid-2008, and the Tigard company had every reason to believe it was onto something big.
But gas prices have plunged in the years since, taking Agilyx's business plan with them.
The low price of petroleum has cut deeply into energy-dependent industries, from oil exploration and drilling to the companies that make large-diameter pipe. Agilyx has not been immune.
As of Sunday, the company will begin the process of shutting down its plastic-to-petroleum process. Before the shutdown, the company produced and sold more than 800,000 gallons of oil.
What the company isn't doing is closing up shop. Instead, it will retool its machinery to turn plastics into the styrene, which can be sold to companies that produce polystyrene - often used as a packing material.
Internet je krasna zadeva za iskanje in primerjanje informacij, je pa tudi krasno orodje za tiste, ki radi v živo ali virtualno obdelujejo ljudi, pri katerih je nagnenje do kupovanja kačjega olja praviloma močnejše od skeptične in kritične ukaželjnosti.