Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Trump zanika, da bi načrtoval umik ZDA iz STO

Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
> [PyotrNovak]
> Malo pocakajmo, da se vidi kateri sistem je boljsi.
> Dutch King Willem-Alexander declares the end of the welfare state ...
> www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Europe
> Sep 17, 2013 - King Willem-Alexander delivered a message to the Dutch people from the government ... Youngest monarch in Europe says people must take responsibility for their own ... areas in particular brought forth arrangements that are unsustainable in their current form. ... The retirement age has been raised to 67.
> Are Europe's Welfare States Sustainable? | Cato Institute
> www.cato.org/policy-...ustainable
> But the economic crisis that started in Greece and now pours through Europe has painfully revealed the true nature of the welfare state — it is unaffordable, ...
> Is the welfare state economically sustainable in the long term ...
> www.quora.com/Is-the...-long-term
> When will the European welfare state collapse? How is the welfare ... In fact, some welfare state policies are more sustainable than pure capitalism. ... Certainly that was the case prior to the rise of welfare state principles in the 20th century.

ZDA nimajo welfare state pa se jim vseeno sesuva.
Kaj pa se jim sesuva ?