Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Zadnja sprememba: PyotrNovak 06.06.2018 19:39
Pst, ne jih budit! Naj verjamejo da je EU sploh še relevantna.

Večino prehitevanje dela Amerika, EU pa gre tako počasi da to dejansko uspeva celo polžem in Kitajcem.

Letos drugi največji proizvajalec nafte, davki dol, brezposelnost 3,8%, gospodarstvo rast 3% gor, etc etc etc.

Pusti jim veselje, da kritizirajo, naj imajo vsaj nekaj.

Se malo soli na rano:
Celebrity IQ Level That Will Totally Shock You
Luxury & Life StyleAugust 16, 2017

Donald Trump scored 156
This might surprise you, but the newly elected American president Donald Trump is also on this list. Well it should not astonish you since he has his own business empire. Even though he sometimes says injudicious things, he intelligence score is quite high.

Mogoce malce premislite preden ga naslavljate z idiotom.....

Ach, the power of mass MEDIA.