Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

0126Bacis sporočil: 3.027
Če koga zadeva zanima naj si pogleda tele filmček:

Več pa tukaj:

Ni pa ne vem kaj drugega, kot zanimivost.
Shranjevanje za 12 ur je uporabno za dnevne izravnave.

Izkoristek je zelo vprašljiv, tudi cena ni nikjer navedena.
Za več pa Googlaj: "liquid air energy storage (laes)"

Trump pravi "premog = varnost"!
(Boste kdaj napisali tudi kaj takega):

The memo justifies this action by noting that some types of power generation, such as natural gas, rely on fuel sources that aren’t stored on-site,
making them vulnerable to attacks or disasters. The memo sites the need for the American electricity grid to be “resilient and secure”
by relying more on generators like coal plants that can maintain large fuel stockpiles nearby.
