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Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 05.06.2018 11:29
na Finskem; enoletni projekt, v okviru katerega je skupina brezposelnih mesečno prejemala 660 dolarjev univerzalnega temeljnega dohodka
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Seveda je zgodba o Stocktonu veliko bolj kompleksna in Reuters že v naslovu poudarja, da gre za poskus v boju proti revščini, ampak dežurne rejverice nimajo časa za take nepomembnosti. Pa bi ga v svoji populistično hujskaški maniri lahko primerjali z Grčijo ipd.
Poor Stockton. Last year, Forbes Magazine named the California town the most miserable city in the U.S. And now Stockton is on the verge of bankruptcy — having built more than it could pay for and having promised pensions and health benefits to early retiring city employees. It’s enough to demoralize a community that even now has a lot of pride and a fair amount to be proud of.
The problem is one that more and more American cities and communities are facing. Stockton’s city fathers and mothers believed and helped perpetuate all the hype emanating from developers and building contractors who constructed houses and shopping centers on cheap agricultural land that was almost within commuting distance of San Francisco. People came and bought the houses, whose prices were inflated. Then the national deluge hit; the new residents couldn’t pay their mortgages, and the homes were foreclosed on. Prices dropped by as much as 65 percent. The shopping centers didn’t have enough customers, so businesses closed and stores went vacant. The high-flying construction industry essentially collapsed, throwing people out of work. So down went income and property and sales tax revenue that Stockton was relying on to pay for what it had bought.
P.S.: Trouble brewing in the nearby Bay area due to collateral damage of the booming Silicon Valley.
Last week, protestors in San Francisco blocked the path of commuter buses shuttling workers to Silicon Valley. Claiming the tech sector is destroying their city, the demonstrators piled electric scooters in front of coaches enroute to Google, Apple and other hi-tech companies.
Even though those companies have brought enormous success and wealth to San Francisco, prices have soared, particularly for property. Homelessness has also skyrocketed and commutes have been lengthened by the lack of affordable housing across the city. The growing levels of dissatisfaction in the Bay Area can be seen by the results of a new survey.
Conducted by the Bay Area Council advocacy group, it found that 46 percent of voters plan to move away. That's a noticeable increase on 2016 when 34 percent of people agreed they'd move out due to the situation. Even though the Bay Area has full employment, only a quarter of those polled said that the economy is going in the right direction.