Izbrani forum: Avto

Izbrana tema: članek Začelo se je: Hamburg prepoveduje vstop dizelskih avtov

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FIN-379669 sporočil: 7.967
No, khm, no Pero, bi moral še kake druge številke brati, vedeti, kateri avto je kateremu konkurent.

Mogoče pa bereš kako rumeno novico, katere namen je zgolj vznemirjati Mercedes.

Pri 12.000 avtomobilih (majhna številka), pri en kup težavah, ki ti jih povzroča Tesla (beri, da je pri vrhu pri reklamacijah), ne vidim bright future. Pač, boš moral brati novice malo počez in jih znati bolje sortirati.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2713892

Strani: 1

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Just who is buying the much ballyhooed Tesla Model 3 sedan? The CNCDA, which released its latest data on new car registrations late Tuesday, said those Model 3 numbers were enough to put the car on top of the “Near Luxury” car segment, with 14.3 percent of those cars registered in California during the quarter. Trailing behind the Model 3 were the Mercedes C-Class, with 3,323 registrations, the BMW 3-Series, with its 3,260 registrations, the Lexus ES, which had 2,044 registrations, and the Infiniti Q50 with its 1,944 cars registered between January and March. The popularity of the Model 3 as noted in the CNCDA report gave a boost to Tesla’s overall registrations, which hit 7,530 during the quarter, a gain of 58.6 percent from the same period a year ago.

Pa šele začel so dobr. Moram priznati da imaš tipičen klen slovenski karakter: dejstva te NE ganejo. Mislim da hodiš v službo. Kot podjetnik z neupoštevanjem dejstev zelo hitro zapreš. Pravočasno spoznavanje in izkoriščanje trendov je osnova da preživiš. Razen če se ne prilepiš na državno firmo in plačuješ "usluge", kar spada pod "lokalni poslovni običaji".

Strani: 1