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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.028
Še malo veš na to temo:

Tesla Is Burning So Much Cash It Could Go Broke By The End Of The Year:

1) Tesla Is Burning So Much Cash It Could Go Broke By The End Of The Year
2) Electric Cars Are Failing To Woo Average American
3) How Tesla “Shot Itself In The Foot” By Trying To Hyper-Automate Its Factory
4) Washington State Clean Vehicle Tax Exemption To Expire May 31
5) Bosch Diesel "Breakthrough" Great News For Auto Finances, Might Slow Switch To Electric Cars
6) Rising Levels Of ‘Frustration’ At UN Climate Stalemate Over Paris Agreement

Od tukaj:

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2710087

Strani: 1

anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
Še malo veš na to temo:

Tesla Is Burning So Much Cash It Could Go Broke By The End Of The Year:

1) Tesla Is Burning So Much Cash It Could Go Broke By The End Of The Year
2) Electric Cars Are Failing To Woo Average American
3) How Tesla “Shot Itself In The Foot” By Trying To Hyper-Automate Its Factory
4) Washington State Clean Vehicle Tax Exemption To Expire May 31
5) Bosch Diesel "Breakthrough" Great News For Auto Finances, Might Slow Switch To Electric Cars
6) Rising Levels Of ‘Frustration’ At UN Climate Stalemate Over Paris Agreement

Od tukaj:
Musk ima očitno podporo lobijev, ki v elektrifikaciji vidijo priložnost za enormne zaslužke v prihodnosti, pod pretvezo varstva okolja. Če oz. ko bodo bencinski in dizelski motorji izumrli, bo postala proizvodnja elektrike in z njo povezane infrastrukture cvetoč biznis, cena elektrike pa se bo povzpela v nebo.

Strani: 1