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[Glavni forum] Tema: Prihaja Nikola z dramatičnim dosegom
[#2704388] 26.03.18 16:22 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2630936)
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Evo, približno 1,3 leta kasneje je tale Nikola One še vedno precej virtualen, Nikola Motor Corp. pa se ukvarja z raznimi projekti, ker koncentracija na enega samega velikega je očitno čisto preveč dolgočasna. Za ilustracijo seznam objav tule:
in najnovejši podvig z nekakšnim vojaškim elektro bagijem:

S skoraj enoletno zamudo so konec januarja letos naposled napovedali, da bodo svoj "dramatično zverinski tovornjak" proizvajali v Buckeyu, ki je predmestje Phoenixa v Arizoni. Tam naj bi do konca leta 2019 začeli graditi tovarno in tja preselili sedež firme. Kdor je že videl kakšno resno tovarno tovornjakov in zna poiskati podatke o klimatskih razmere v Phoenixu in okolici, se najbrž zelo čudi. Ampak novo, novo, novo vrijeme očitno omogoča vse živo. Tudi meteorsko rast puščavskega predmestja, če jo poganjajo vizionarski developerji.
Nikola Motor Co. could receive up to $46.5 million in grants and tax credits if it brings the more than 2,000 projected jobs and $1 billion projected capital to a planned Buckeye manufacturing plant for its zero emission, autonomous semi-trucks.
Nikola CEO and founder Trevor Milton said the company has $6.5 billion in pre-orders for its trucks, and plans to create the “entire ecosystem” to build the trucks and hydrogen stations.
Kako daleč je Nikola Motors na poti od virtualnih računalniških podobic in razstavne makete do resnih prototipov? Za edini znani posnetek kratke vožnje sredi ničesar so kaj lahko uporabili na klasičen tovornjak poveznjeno futuristično lupino. Zbirka nekaj posnetkov na korporacijski youtube strani je sicer bolj žalostna: www.youtube.com/chan...dDw/videos

Za konec poglejmo, kakšen tajmlajn naj bi iz Nikola Motors sporočili svojim potencialnim kupcem in prednaročnikom sredi aprila 2017:
As a reservation holder, we also wanted to share a few other Nikola related updates with you. The following are some anticipated dates related to the Nikola trucks, which are subject to change:
* Now through October 2018 – We are working on the next version of our truck for limited production and road testing with certain fleets. This updated version of the truck is going through changes to the chassis to reduce weight and size, provide better visibility, increase storage and lower the 5th wheel, to name a few. During this period, we also plan to announce where our first hydrogen station will be built and begin development of that station.
* October 2018 – October 2021 – During this time we plan to stress test the Nikola trucks in rigorous conditions to ensure our vehicles can withstand the day in and day out abuse typical for trucks under normal operating conditions. We will also conduct three years of winter (extreme cold) and summer (extreme heat) tests, which exceed tests required under U.S. regulations. We will also be working to certify our truck’s compliance under all applicable regulations during this time. Testing is critical to ensure our vehicles are safe and ready for every environment before they enter production and are handed o to drivers for strenuous use.
* October 2020 – December 2021 – We will be working with the Fitzgerald Gliders group in Tennessee for our initial truck assembly. We anticipate our first 5,000 trucks will be assembled with their assistance.