Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
Ah, zgodovinski spomini.
Evo, to sem iskal, čudo znanstvenega socializma. Navsezadnje je sistem dokazal tudi svojo praktično vrednost:

The system was most useful in October 1972, when about 40,000 striking truck drivers blocked the access streets that converged towards Santiago. According to Gustavo Silva (executive secretary of energy in CORFO), using the system's telex machines, the government was able to guarantee the transport of food into the city with only about 200 trucks driven by strike-breakers, recouping the shortages caused by 40,000 striking truck drivers.

..kar navsezadnje dokazuje, da znanstveni socializem deluje :)