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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2616224] 13.09.16 20:27 · odgovor na: najobj (#2616012)
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Zanimiva Economistova zgodba o centralno-vzhodno evropskih medijih, njihovih lastnikih, tajkunih, uredniških politikah itn. Čisto mimogrede je omenjen tudi Bonnier. :-)
How a media mogul helped turn Czechs against refugees
Politics in central and eastern Europe are increasingly driven by the businesses that own media outlets
On September 7th 2015, a few days after Germany decided to open its borders to tens of thousands of asylum-seekers who were stranded on their migration route into Europe, the management of TV Prima, a Czech television station, called a meeting with its news team. The network had been presenting a mix of stories on the migrants, sometimes portraying the difficulties they caused for European countries, sometimes their own suffering and hopes. But at the meeting, a senior editor and board member ordered the journalists to portray the refugees exclusively as a danger. “The custom here is that the broadcast management is God, and one just doesn’t talk back to God,” TV Prima’s editor-in-chief, Jitka Obzinova, says in an audio recording of the meeting.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2616224

Strani: 1

crt sporočil: 27.179
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2616227] 13.09.16 20:35 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2616224)
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Zadnja sprememba: crt 13.09.2016 20:38
Zanimiva Economistova zgodba o centralno-vzhodno evropskih medijih, njihovih lastnikih, tajkunih, uredniških politikah itn. Čisto mimogrede je omenjen tudi Bonnier. :-)
zlasti fajn je to, da je v igri andrej babis kot hrabri narodni izganjalec migrantov... v prostem casu je tudi financni minister aktualne ceske vlade, v sloveniji bi mu pa rekli rdeci direktor (cisto upraviceno, ker je tocno to bil), privhatizatorski tajkun (dejstvo je, da je "svojo" firmo naredil zares svojo) ali udbas (ocitajo mu prav to, vendar je dosegel, da ga je slovasko sodisce resilo pred cesko lustracijsko zakonodajo) www.politico.eu/arti...erlusconi/
Gustl sporočil: 13.629
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2616228] 13.09.16 20:39 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2616224)
Odgovori   +    1
Zanimiva Economistova zgodba o centralno-vzhodno evropskih medijih, njihovih lastnikih, tajkunih, uredniških politikah itn. Čisto mimogrede je omenjen tudi Bonnier. :-)
Ja, umik je bil iz Latvije (prodano tajkunu), Bolgarije (prodano mutivodi), Hrvaske (prodano tajkunu). Rusijo je bilo treba prodat zaradi Putinove komande, da morajo tuji lastniki ven.

Tko da ni dosti za ugibat, kje bi pristale Finance, ce bi se prodale :)

Kar sicer veliko pove tudi o tem, kdo je danes pripravljen kupiti old media na teh trgih (Delo...hint hint).

Bonnierji ostajajo sicer na Poljskem, Estonija, Litva, Slovenija.
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2616253] 13.09.16 22:07 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2616224)
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Ne samo v Cupertinu, tudi v laboratoriju samovozil v Googlandu se nekaj dogaja, ali pa se za nekatere dogaja prepočasi, zato so odšli.
Google's Self-Driving Car Project Is Losing Out to Rivals
Once considered a leader in the field, Google has lost its first-mover advantage to other companies pursuing more practical, less-ambitious self-driving car services, said former members of the project and other people familiar with the situation. They asked not to be identified because details of the effort are private.
Possibly the biggest drag on the program is the sheer scope of Google’s ambitions. Its aim is to revolutionize transportation through full autonomy. The software must be trained thoroughly to handle all eventualities. Meanwhile, there are already methods to make self-driving cars good, rather than perfect. That has helped companies including Uber, Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz, Tesla and Volvo Car Group catch up with Google, Juneja said.
The two main ways for Google to commercialize the technology are by including Chauffeur, the name for its self-driving software, in cars made in high volume by existing auto manufacturers, or through a popular ride-sharing service that could slowly replace a human-driven fleet with automated vehicles, industry experts said.

Strani: 1