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Izbrana tema: Špeckahlanje

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2615678] 09.09.16 13:07 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2615675)
Odgovori   +    1
V deželi Brexita imajo veliko tržno svobodo pri izbiri registrskih tablic za avtomobile. Načeloma si lahko izbereš skoraj vse, kar hočeš, če je to še prosto, če lahko plačaš in če ni na črni listi oblasti. Ta ocenjuje, da bi javni red in mir in moralo lahko kalile takšne tablice:
So far, the likes of 'BU66 ERS', 'DO66 ERS', and 'OR66 ASM' have made their way onto the list, for obvious reasons.
No number plates are ever removed from the DVLA's banned list, so usual suspects like VA61 ANA and CR16 PLE are stll out of order. The DVLA also has the power to force drivers to hand back number plates if one is found to have slipped through the net.
Anything that can be seen as racist, religiously offensive or even drug related is also unavailable. These include plates such as JE55 US, 15 LAM, OS55 AMA and even AD13 CTS. Combinations with a political angle have been chopped too - EU16 OUT and EU16 GON, as well as anything ending in BNP.
Well, why not, as long as it keeps them Brits busy... :-)